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  • Menus/Food Recommendations

  • Children of Abraham Day Poem

  • Group Recital

  • Compose original music

Sons of Ibrahim (Abraham)

I am Moses
I am Jesus
I am Muhammad (PBUH)

Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim


They all went separate directions
to spread the same message
the message of Ibrahim
Truth, Faith, Salvation, Harmony and Divinity

Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim


Walking away from challenges is not the solution

Face them as Moses did with the Pharaoh
as Jesus did with the cross
and as Muhammad did with Abu Jahl

Just like their father faced Nimrod

Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim


Love and evil cannot coexist
They all carry the same message Believing in one God
the day of judgement
humanity and justice for all

Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim


Peace cannot be created
until we are united without hindrance We are strangers with
shared peace, love and care
cultivating the love of God

Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim.


Life goes on
with the strong ties of yesterday Make yesterday’s path
a path of unity
Remember, they were sons of Ibrahim

Written by Farhat Qazi

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